Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I can't wait to see the little trick-or-treaters tonight.

And of course, we've already been treating ourselves with homemade popcorn balls made with marshmallow! Mmm Mmm Yum! Have a great day everyone and be safe!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Before and After | Nursery Wardrobe Makeover

Get ready for it... I'm pretty excited about this Ikea wardrobe. From the purchase, to stopping by and picking up some paint from The Sugar Post in Merrickville, ON, to putting it all together in place... Here's the before and after on one of my favorite projects to date!

Where to begin? We had the perfect little nook in our Nursery for a wardrobe and I knew exactly what I wanted. I searched Kijiji for a couple of months, but each one that was under $100 was always sold before I could snatch it up! Until, one day, it was like the heavens opened up and there it was. It's short too - perfect for our little guy. And even better, it came in at $60 dollars! I had already pinned the color I wanted and just had to find me some paint.

In my parts of town, milk paint isn't easy to come by. I thought I'd have to trek into the city to get some but something told me to Google it first. The hubs and I planned on spending a relaxing day shopping in the local towns, Merrickville especially - it's full of stores that a blogger would love. Okay any woman in their right mind would love this place. I searched up milk paint and there it was, The Sugar Post carrying Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint - sold! I dragged the husband out for the day and I fell in love.

The store was too cute! I will definitely have to do a blog post on it when I have a chance to go back and take some pictures of it's adorable setup. It's like a bloggers dream store - okay maybe like the store I could only hope of having one day. I'll definitely be going back for more.

As you can see, SNEAK PEAK.... the nursery is coming together. We picked up these cute little wooden figures from the local SuperStore. The painting is by my grandma. And, the iron owl was a gift we gave to my hubs' grandma in the past and she has downsized so we got to have it back!

Of course, the decor wouldn't be complete without a football and a little OshKosh stuffed bear. I can't wait to grab some newborn photos using these as props. 

Oh... I almost forgot. The hubs hates painting and let me tell you he loved using milk paint. We did two coats mixed evenly with water and a final with the paint watered down even more. I love the imperfections. We are supposed to put a final coat on it but I really don't want to. Oh ya, and the knobs were stolen from another dresser we recently did over. We changed the bottom drawer to only need one and these worked perfect. They were already distressed we just popped them on.

I can say I am in love. It's the perfect piece of furniture for the nursery - yes I will be sharing pics soon. Only a couple more details and the room will finally be done! Can't wait... the little guy is almost here. In the meantime, if you haven't already... you must go try using milk paint on something - you'll fall in love. Oh ya, and take a trip to Merrickville and stop by The Sugar Post - it's a must!

Party, party, party...

the crafty blog stalker | gingerly made | made in a day | kreative creations | wait 'til your father gets home | miss mustard seed | shaken together | whipperberry | nap time crafters | simply sweet home | perfectly imperfect | too much time on my hands | flamingo toes | momnivore's dilemma | i should be mopping the floor | sew can do | sumo's sweet stuff | diy show off | skip to my lou | uncommon designs | alderberry hill | nap-time creations | the blackberry vine | the winthrop chronicles | not just a housewife | homemade ginger | snap | lady behind the curtain | white lights on wednesday | pretty things | yesterday on tuesday | buns in my oven | sugar and dots | seven thirty three | kitchen meets girl |

I was featured!! Go check it out:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

New in the Etsy Shoppe!

Wow it's been a while since I've even been in my Etsy Shoppe - it sure is dusty! With maternity leave well on its way, I thought it would be a good time to get the shop "cleaned up" and business rolling again. I need to re-post some earrings and Christmas decorations too - but for now, I've added some brand new items.

The Alphabet Print
Choose your color, number or letter.

 The Vintage Car Set of 3
Only $18.00 for all three!

I'm hoping to launch a new line shortly too, called Flat Heads. I can't say what they are, but I will admit, the hubs has to help me out with this product line. I can't wait to share... in the meantime, I am offering you a coupon for 25% off any of the listing currently in there! That's right...

25% OFF Your Next Purchase:
Coupon Code - JUST4UOCT2013

I'll keep this coupon posted until the end of October! Happy shopping, I need to get some of these up in the nursery!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DIY | Halloween Oreo Pops

Just in time... the perfect little treat for your kids. I definitely don't have the patience to make enough to give out at Halloween - but I'll just blame that one on being preggers. Anyways, I created these cute little Halloween Oreo Pops... which are completely DIY, and I did them in less than 30 minutes this afternoon.

What you'll need:
Makes Six.

6 Oreos
6 Lolli-Pop sticks
1/2 Cup Orange Chocolate Chips/Wafers
1 Tube Black Icing (get the hardening kind - I didn't and it doesn't look as good)
1 Foam Block
1 Spoon (or something to help you spread the chocolate)

First, melt the orange chocolate chips or wafers in the microwave, as directed on the package. Once melted, put a little on one side of the Oreo, place a stick on it and then finish by coating that same side with more chocolate (I used a spoon to coat the chocolate). Put in the fridge for 5 minutes or until chocolate is hardened.

Next, remove the Oreo Pops from the fridge and coat the others side and edges with the remaining chocolate. You may need to remelt the chocolate first. Then place the pops in a foam block upward and return to fridge for another five minutes or until the chocolate has hardened.

Finally, remove from fridge one last time and use your black icing to decorate. If you're using the icing that you warm and let harden, return to fridge. I just used regular icing as I wasn't going to package them.

That's it! You're all done. For extra family fun, let the kids help decorate with step 3. These would also be great for a kids Halloween Party as an activity. Up next for Halloween Treats - my favourite... Popcorn Balls. I'll be making those this weekend! :)

I went partying :)

snap creativity | lady behind the curtain | smart school house | white lights on wednesday | pretty things | buns in my oven | sugar and dots | seven thirty three | kitchen meets girl | the crafty blog stalker | gingerly made | made in a day | kreative creations | shaken together | whipperberry | nap time crafters | simply sweet home | kitchen fun with my three sons | wait 'til your father gets home | the answer is chocolate | too much time on my hands | cheerios and lattes | flamingo toes | momnivores dillema | i should be mopping the floor | sew can do | sumo's sweet stuff | alderberry hill | all things fee | diy show off | skip to my lou | uncommon designs | blackberry vine | nap-time creations | lil' luna | the winthrop chronicles | not just a housewife |

Monday, October 21, 2013

We're So Spoiled: A Baby Shower!

I have so much to show you... but first, the baby shower. We were so blessed to have such great family and friends that showered us with lots of goodies. And even more thanks to my mom who put this all together... we all had a great afternoon at my place celebrating the soon to be new addition.

Here is a peek at the decor... (thank goodness I get to screen my pics - I think I'm the only person in this world who doesn't have a cute preggers tummy... and just looks huge, yes I've finally exploded and everything seems swollen, including my face. I can't wait to have my body back!).

Yes, that's the mantel... still needs a coat or two of paint! Post coming soon.

The little booties are so cute... 

Mom spoiled me with some Etsy decor! <3

I can't thank everyone enough for celebrating with us and spoiling us like crazy. Now, let's just cross our fingers and toes that this baby decides to come early.

And, stay tuned... the wardrobe is painted and finished, the mantel needs more paint - but I'm ready to share it, and the nursery is almost done... and might I say too cute - I love how it's all came together! I also have some other updates I've been meaning to post. Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Progress, Progress, Progress!

It's everywhere... and I mean everywhere when I say it. We've been super busy these past couple of weeks getting ready for... well, everything!

I don't have pics yet, but the basement has been fully organized, one bedroom setup, the other partially. The storage room is organized! (Of course, we have lots of renos left down there... but it looks good for now!) All of my crafting stuff and office has been moved down and the nursery is well underway. Trust me - I spent a good hour the other day caulking all of the trim - BORING!!!

We've also started the furniture for the nursery - I know, about time! Here's a peak... I'm thinking of doing a dresser (we picked up a free one last year) painted like this... only I had the red and white paint purchased and now I'm thinking something else... I guess we'll both have to wait and see what I decide on.

design mom.

We also bought a little Ikea cabinet/wardrobe off of kijiji that is the perfect height for our little guy as he gets older... and I got to try my hand at milk paint for the first time. Let me tell you... my hubby HATES... and I mean HATES painting and he loved this stuff... Here's a sneak peak at the color.

miss mustard seeds milk paint.

Oh, and did I mention the mantel is well on its way to being finished! I came home from work last night and the b-i-l had been working away all day on it! Yes he knows how to break into our house... and I'm so thankful he does. The excitement to be able to decorate... I'm so simple sometimes! :)

night photos suck.

Well... that's pretty much it for now. Rumor is my mom is having a baby shower at my place this weekend for family... so we're going to be busy, busy, busy wrapping up all these projects in time!

Friday, October 4, 2013

I Won The Liebster Award...

Nanner nanner woohoo... Joyful in Chaos awarded me with the Liebster Award!

I had no idea this even existed. And there it sat, an email in my inbox... that I had won! I hesitated at first... could this be spam? Why would I get a blogger award... then I convinced myself to click. And there it was - my name was on the list. Me?


Here's what it is:

Liebster, (Leibste) meaning "kindest, dearest, beloved, cute, endearing" in German.

The Liebster Award is a blogger to blogger, peer award, used to highlight up and coming, smaller, lesser known blogs that are less than 6 months old and/or have less than 200 followers. Liebster is an award that you accept with an intention of paying it forward. How awesome is that?!? {and what a surprise, too!}

When you accept your Liebster, you must pay it forward and nominate other bloggers that you would like to award.

So here are the guidelines for the award:
1) You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2) Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3) Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4) Choose 11 new blogs that you love and link them in your post.
5) Leave a comment on this post with the URL to your Leibster post so I can learn more about you

Awe... isn't that so nice. Here's 11 random things about moi:

1. My sign is Cancer.
2. I was on tv for figure skating when I was 12 or so.
3. I was supposed to skip grade 6 but chickened out.
4. I am addicted to cheese.
5. I hate being pregnant.
6. I hate vans and refuse to ever own one unless its an old school VW camper van.
7. I need my sleep - at least 8 hours - you have been warned.
8. I am still trying to find that "dream" job.
9. I am not like most women, I don't dream of shoes, I dream of jeans... Silvers to be exact.
10. I don't really have a favorite color or number.
11. I love surprises and trying something new - food, places to see, etc.

For more randomness about me, visit my about me page.

Now onto the questions from Jos:

1. What is your dream home?
Gah! What isn't my dream home... I absolutely love old homes for their character and new homes for their functionality. It must have a front porch and lots of roof lines. Here's one I'd take in a heart beat:


2) What is your favorite song and why?
Oh this is a hard one... I'm not really a song person -  but right now I really enjoy Some Nights (Fun), Calamity Song (The Decemberists), Somebody That I Used to Know (Gotye), Ho Hey (The Lumineers)... oh and my all time go to is New Orleans is Sinking (The Tragically Hip) and of course I can't forget our wedding song What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong). Sorry, I cheated - that was more than one. But really... I'm more of a movie gal.

3) What do you love most about being a momma?
Well, I'm only a momma to Bailey our cat. And well... the first baby is on it's way - possibly the only one - did I mention I hate pregnancy?

4) What's your favorite blog post & why?
Hmm... I'm not to sure about this one... I'm pretty proud of one I recently wrote. It had... wait for it... over 450 views, over 20 comments and over 125 downloads in less than two weeks. SCORE - that's pretty good for me! Check it out - Free Fall Printable!
5) What are your three favorite blogs & why?
Oh there are so many... but ultimately I choose to follow certain blogs more than others because of their style. They have ahhhmazing homes and pretty cool projects. Here are three I recommend you check out:

6) What tv shows are must-watch for you?
Well, now that there is no more Gossip Girl, 90210 or Dr. Emily Owens... I would have to say The Carrie Diaries and Hart of Dixie. And then... I discovered Pretty Little Liars and I'm hooked. All in all though, I'm a CW girl -  minus all the vampires. Oh and of course, I can't forget Love It or List It!

7) How long have you been blogging & why?
Oh about two years I think. And because I love it. It's a creative outlet - although sometimes I lack a little in that department and fail to blog. As well, I'm hoping it becomes a full-time business someday. (dreaming...)

8) "I'll ------------ if it's the last thing I do."
Go to New York City. I want to go there so bad!!! <--- bad enough it needed three exclamations.

9) Favorite decor find of all time?
Meh? Time changes this decision and I really don't have a lot of decor yet... still working on the reno phase of our home. But, I have a few "victorian" antique frames I scored from the hub's grandpa's barn. They are to die for.. I just haven't done anything with them yet. Oh, plus they were free.

10) Who's your favorite author?
Oh I wish I had an answer for this I just don't read anymore. As a kid I loved reading. As a teen I hated it.. I will blame this on teachers who made me read books I was interested in. Now, I love it but don't have time for it. Therefor, no favorite author.

11) What's your favorite "homemade" gift?
Who doesn't love homemade? I can't think of a specific thing that was given to me that I absolutely adore... but if you don't do homemade... I'm okay with Etsy gifts too. Oh and Rice Krispie Treats... who doesn't like those? Check out Mallow & Co. for some different kinds.

That is it. I did it. Now it's your turn... I am going to elect these fine ladies:

Maggie @ The Love Nerds
Linda @ Paper Seedlings
Rebecca @ Beurrista
Heather @ The Unsophisticated Kitchen
Megan @ Megan to Momma
Amy @ Up Mommy Creek
Mosby @ Simplicity is Key
Katie @ See You There
Holly @ My Own Kind of Beautiful
Jessica @ My Bag of Sunshine
Allie @ Mama G, Three and IV

Here are my questions for you:

1. If you could have a three word sentence to describe your blog what would it be? Why?
2. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
3. What is the best place you've ever traveled?
4. If you don't have one already, what would be your ideal Etsy Shop?
5. If you could share any recipe with me, what would it be?
6. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
7. What is the best surprise you've ever had given to you?
8. If you could do anything or be anything, what would it be?
9. I am at home when I am "_________".
10. My favorite color scheme right now is?
11. What is your most random memory from childhood?

Congrats everyone! I look forward to reading your answers.
Please provide links to your blog post in the comments below.

**** Just so you know, if I couldn't find the followers on your blog - I went to bloglovin'... maybe I cheated a little.. but under 200 is under 200 right?****

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You Must Read This...

I read this blog post today and almost died - hilarious.

bitchin sisters.

After a meeting where I was thankful nobody got killed by the raging pregnant woman - this worked. Lice is a four letter word. Pregnant woman radar went back to happy... well, as happy as a pregnant woman could be sitting in a cube for eight hours and life continued on as "normal". You must go read it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Jalapeno Artichoke Dip Recipe | Pin Attempt

All I can say is yummy! So here's why I had to pin and attempt this recipe. Ever heard of Costco? (if you haven't, it's a membership type place where you can buy in bulk - I guess that's how you'd explain it?) Anyways, they have this dip. One that when I buy it - it's gone in a weekend and you're lucky if I share it with you. Honestly... stay away from the dip it's all mine.

But, there's a problem. The last two times we've gone to Costco... the dip gods decided to punish me and there was none of this goodness. Like seriously, who punishes a pregnant woman that just wants some good food? So, I decided to try and make it - this heavenly Jalapeno Artichoke Dip that I must have.

In all honesty, everyone knows you can't really knock off a good thing when you've got it. There's always going to be something a little different. But, I can tell you - this one comes close enough... or at least good enough for me and the baby - the heartburn, not so much. I followed this Artichoke and Jalapeno Dip Recipe at Shugary Sweets and kind of changed out the cheese. So here's my version:

Jalapeno Artichoke Dip Recipe

1 14 oz can artichoke hearts, drained
2 jalapenos, seeded
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
6 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt

In a food processor, add artichokes and pulse until chopped. Next add the jalapenos and pulse until desired consistency. Finally, add the remaining ingredients and pulse until fully blended. The original recipe says serve immediately but we found it way better after it sat overnight! And... I think I'd add the artichokes last next time so that they are a little thicker. Other than that... mmm mmm good! Oh, and even better - the original recipe says it stores up to one week, if you can let it last that long. ;)

Overall, pin attempt success! Of course, you should really take a look at the five foods I must try and make them for me... because we all know it could be an eternity before I get around to it and the many, many, MANY... other things I still want to do. Or my other recipes... oh and my food and drink. board. Hungry yet? Anyways, that's a wrap - happy eating!

party. party. party.
snap creativity | lady behind the curtain | smart school house | pretty things | buns in my oven | sugar and dots | kitchen meets girl | two yellow birds decor | the crafty blog stalker | gingerly made | made in a day | white lights on wednesday | seven thirty three | the shabby creek cottage | shaken together | just us four | nap time crafters | simply sweet home | kitchen fun with my three sons | too much time | it's overflowing | flamingo toes | momnivore's dilemma | i should be mopping the floor | sew can do | sumo's sweet stuff | alderberry hill | all things fee | diy show off | skip to my lou | uncommon designs | nap-time creations | the winthrop chronicles | not just a housewife |