Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm Thinking Fifty Shades of Grey

I would love to say I'm talking about paint, but I've recently heard about this book, Fifty Shades of Grey, and it's raciness! So, I wanted to ask you if you've read it... I'm curious now. Nothing beats a good book and I haven't read in a while... is it worth getting? Is it as naughty as the say it is? Would I blush if I got caught with it on my coffee table?

Other than that, life is in the fast lane as we know it. The cape cod has been listed with a realtor and the hubby has been addicted to his newly inherited boat. We've been pushing to get the house sold and we found out we will be able to get into the new one on July 11th if we sell in time.

The Cape Cod.

Of course, I've been pinning away on Pinterest, lots of ideas of things we can do in the stone home. From paint to storage, there are no need for renos, so I'm looking at paint, features and decor that will mix well. And, I must confess (but don't tell Ry), I'm also looking at giving the laundry room and foyer a makeover! But... we won't let him know until golf season is over and work slows down. :D

Inspiration for the second bathroom in the Stone Home.
(Two Ellie)

I know I have been slightly absent from you guys so I thought I'd stop by and let you know that it's just me being busy and that I haven't forgotten about this other world I dream of living in. Oh, and the other reason  excuse I have is I have started running again... Yay me! Actually I was quite surprised I didn't die on the first run out... Okay, enough rambling... have a great rest of the week out there. I'm hoping to make time for a phone date with a high school friend and be here a couple more times. CHEERS!

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