Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Breakfast Hostess Gift

Believe it or not, I do have other obsessions other than Pinterest and Jenny Steffens Hobick's blog is one of them. Every morning, I open up my email to find her newest blog post in my inbox. Lately I've been stashing some of those emails away for later, but I just couldn't wait to share one I received this week - The Breakfast Hostess Gift | Banana Bread and Honey Butter. It looks like the perfect gift and it sounds like it would taste great too!

Jenny Steffens Hobick
Here's what the basket includes:

Banana Bread (recipe here)
Butter, softened
Sea Salt
Ground Coffee Beans
Kitchen Towel
parchment paper
Kitchen Twine
kraft coffee bag
small glass jar with lid

Be sure to read her full blog post for all of the details - Breakfast Hostess Gift | Banana Bread and Honey Butter. And yes, you will be making that banana bread and honey butter yourself! Mmm... doesn't honey butter sound like it would be so delicious? I will definitely have to try making it some day... I know the hubby would love it. Oh, and if you still haven't gotten your mother something special for mother's day, this would work!

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