Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy!

First off - Happy belated (oops!) Canada Day and 4th of July!! I don't know about you but summer seems to be crazy busy this year. And, we're probably having the best one yet.

With the hubby at a new job he gets more weekends off then he ever has and this year we have had no renos taking over our life. I mean the pool has been a bit of a hurdle but it's up and running and warm as ever. And the hubs continues to putter away at building it a deck. :)

So... we've practically been living life to the fullest and we're having a blast. We cancelled our tv for the summer and decided to enjoy the outdoors. Since the cottage, we have been out on the boat a few times - touring and fishing, we've been swimming a lot, we've been fishing from shore, trying to get back into BBQing and using the smoker, spending time with the fam jam and friends we haven't seen in years and just relaxing and enjoying the backyard... and, well... life! Oh and of course, my bday was a week or so ago (I'm not telling) and I was completely spoiled with a seafood dinner and a night out watching Jersey Boys - along with lots of spoiling from my work family!

We're having so much fun putting everything aside and going out on whims - I don't think we've ever spent a summer like this. As you can tell... I'm one happy, happy, happy girl! :o)

Here's just a few pics of our amazing summer so far (courtesy of Instagram):

The beautiful sunset while fishing...
we actually stayed out until dark - SO much fun!

My fave pic: It looks like a metropolis in the background
but it's just a factory in our very small town!

A weekend with the famjam - BBQing and swimming!

The hubs fishing from shore!

This little cutie is our niece - we've been
spending quite a bit of time with her 2 yr old personality!

Me - preparing to go swimming on the
most humid day ever! Okay that's every day this summer!

The river on Canada Day...
the waves were a little more than we were comfortable with!

Alright, that's where I've been and what we've been up to. Now I must get back to what I was doing - enjoying life! Adios!

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