Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring Fever...

Spring Fever... it has me doing everything but working on the blog and business! Err... this happened to me last year and I put the blog on pause for the summer! Well I can't this year... You know, I think this would be much easier to do if I could make this my full-time job! :D

by ViniciusNovelli @ deviantART

Anyways, I have a million... okay, like 10 posts I need to do and I will do them. Here's what we've been up to... and the updates I promise will be to you by the end of the summer (if I put that big of a deadline, I for sure can't fail).

1. We are putting a pool in!! Yup... the hubby is doing the work himself and I'm trying to help... but I'm not that great at it, well... because...

2. We're having a baby!! YAY!! This explains a lot of me being absent... especially since I fall asleep on the couch every night before 9 and don't wake up until 6... yup 9 hours of sleep every night at least! I'll do a full post and announcement on this soon - with all the deets.. okay not ALL the deets but the stuff you want to hear.

3. The basement is in progress and will be until Fall... but I must share some pictures!!

4. Speaking of pictures, we finally purchased an Ikea Ektorp couch and chair. Couch for the formal living room - YAY furniture... and chair for the nursery... I'm hoping to get a rocker/glider base for it and do a tutorial.

5. We are heading to the Picton wineries soon and I can't wait to share.. I will I promise... and maybe I'll even bust out the Niagara Falls pictures I haven't gotten around to yet. Anyways... can you guess who's DD and enjoying water throughout the trip??

6. We've been crazy busy... hanging out with family, doing Mother's Day, working outside, relaxing outside (okay that isn't really busy), having a weekend of bad luck and drama... long story and you know... life in general.

So, once again I'm apologizing for being a crappy blogger. I am going to make it up with a baby sonogram this week hopefully - first ultrasound is Friday. And lots of pics of what's going on in life in general... so please bare with me and my tiredness/busyness... well and hungriness...

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